What is Micro Therapeutic Massage: Definition, Goals and Uses

Growing popularity these days is Micro Therapeutic Massage, a kind of massage offered with the goal of obtaining a therapeutic benefit. It is different from relaxation massage, which is performed to aid in relaxation. This type of massage is often relaxing, but the end goal of this session is not relaxation.

The goals of this Micro Therapeutic Massage considerably vary between clients and massage therapists. In some cases, massages are performed by a health professional and may be done as part of a larger treatment plan. For instance, someone in physical therapy for an injury might have regular Micro Therapeutic Massage to improve muscle tone, increase flexibility and loosen muscles. Likewise, it can be used to supplement cancer care, wound care, and many other treatments.

Psychotherapists may also use or recommend massage in their work. Aside from having physical advantages, Micro Therapeutic Massage can also be psychologically beneficial and may be used to promote relaxation, increase trust, alleviate severe depression or treat other conditions. Psychotherapists might even recommend Micro Therapeutic Massage and therapy sessions to facilitate psychotherapy.

People can also use this kind of massage as a standalone treatment. Some people regularly gets massages to keep themselves in good physical condition. Athletes, for example, can make appointments for sports massage, a form of Micro Therapeutic Massage designed for people who engage in athletic activities. Massage may be used as part of a general wellness program for people ranging from secretaries worried about muscle strain to workers who want make their muscles strong and flexible.

Micro Therapeutic Massage reduces symptoms of stress, calms the nervous system, improves concentration, relieves aching muscles, and strengthens the immune system.